◆1.Broadcast Name:*CRI 中国国际广播电台华语台
Address:100040 北京市石景山路甲16号
Email:[email protected],[email protected]
◆2.Broadcast Name:*BBC中文部
Address:100600 北京市邮政信箱100600-9082号
100020 北京市朝阳区雅宝路10号 凯威大厦12-01
Email:[email protected][中文部];[email protected][听众信箱,腾龙]
◆BBC Asia Relay Station
Address:P.O.Box 20, Muang, Nakon Sawan, 60000 Thailand [泰国]
◆BBC Far East Relay Station
Address:51 Turut Track, Singapore 718930
◆3.Broadcast Name:*澳广(ABC- Radio Australia)中文部
Address:100600 北京市邮政信箱9023号
Email:[email protected]; [email protected][刘江]
◆4.Broadcast Name:*KBS-RKI中国语组
Address:100600 北京市100600-9044信箱
Email:[email protected]
5.Broadcast Name:*RFI 华语广播编辑部
Address:100600 北京市国际邮局9046号信箱[停租]
RFI en mandarin/116, avenue du Pdt, Kennedy 75016 Paris, France[法国]
Email:[email protected][王鲁]
◆6.Broadcast Name:*NHK-World 中国语班
Address:100038 北京市中国邮政3848信箱
Email:[email protected]; [email protected][QSL]
Fax:0081-3-3481 1350
◆7.Broadcast Name:*RSI-新加坡国际广播电台 华语节目组
Address:花拉路 邮政信箱5300 新加坡912899
Email:[email protected]
Fax: 0065-62591380
◆8.Broadcast Name:*RCI-加拿大国际广播电台 中文部 [147111]
Address:100600 北京市国际邮局100600-9087号信箱
Email:[email protected][QSL]; [email protected][中文部];[email protected]
◆9.Broadcast Name:*IRIB World Service-伊朗伊斯兰共和国对外广播电台 华语台
Address:100600 北京市国际邮局6657信箱
Email:[email protected][华语台]
◆10.Broadcast Name:*DW-德国之声 汉语节目组
Address:100600 北京市9029信箱
Email:[email protected]; [email protected][薛成俊];
[email protected][QSL]
Fax: 0049-228-429-3220 [技术咨询部 Ms. Andrea Schulz]
◆11.Broadcast Name:*Radio SRBIJA i CRNA GORA
The International Radio of Serbia & Montenegro
Address:P.O.Box 200, Hilandarska 2, 11000 Beograd, Serbia & Montenegro[南斯拉夫]
Email:[email protected]
◆12.Broadcast Name:*Radio Romania International 汉语节目编辑部
Address:P.O.Box 111, Buchrest, Romania[罗马尼亚]
Email:[email protected] Fax:0040212232613
◆13.Broadcast Name:* Chinese Section / Radio Voice of Russia-俄罗斯之声 华语编辑部
Address:25, UL. Pyatnitskaya , Moscow, 113326 Russia[俄罗斯]
Website:www.vor.ru Fax: 0070959506769
Email:[email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected][QSL]
◆14.Broadcast Name:* Voice of Mongolia-蒙古之声中文部
Address:100600 北京市建国门内大街国际邮局9061号信箱
Email:[email protected]
◆15.Broadcast Name:*TRT-Voice of Turkey[Chinese Service]
Address:P.O.Box333-06443, Yenisehir / Ankara / Turkey[土耳其]
Email:[email protected], [email protected][QSL]
◆16.Broadcast Name:*KTWR-环球电台
Address:Tran World Radio Box 8700 Cary, NC27512 USA
Email:[email protected]
◆17.Broadcast Name:*Radio The Voice of Vietnam 华语节目组
Address:58 Quan Su Str.-Hanoi-S.R. Vietnam[越南]
100600 北京建国门外外交公寓8-1-31号 越南之声北京记者站
Email:[email protected];[email protected][华语部];[email protected]
◆18.Broadcast Name:*Radio Netherlands[English]
Address:P.O.Box 222, 1200 JG Hilversum, The Netherlands[荷兰]
Email:[email protected]
◆19.Broadcast Name:*Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation
Address:PBC, Headquarters, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan[巴基斯坦]
Email:[email protected]; [email protected][中文部]
◆20.Broadcast Name:*Family Radio[english]
Address:Oakland, California 94621, U.S.A
Email:[email protected]; [email protected][平罗德]
◆21.Broadcast Name:*CBS-RTI 中央广播电台—台湾之音[ID:200402270021]
Address:台湾台北市104北安路55号 No.55 Pei An Road Taipei, Taiwan. R.O.C
台湾 106 台北 邮政24-38号信箱
Email:[email protected]; [email protected][听众组组长:赵梅仪]; [email protected][曾美惠];
[email protected][吴瑞文];[email protected][施佳伶];
Fax:00886-2-28855250[回复] ;28850005;28852302 Tel:00886-2-2865 6168转710[听众服务组]
◆22.Broadcast Name:*Chinese Branch, VOA
Address:100600 北京市国际邮局100600-9171号
Washington, D.C. 20237 USA
Email:[email protected];[email protected];
[email protected][QSL]; [email protected][QSL]
◆23.Broadcast Name:*Mandarin Service, RFA
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
[email protected] ; [email protected] & [email protected][AJ Janitschek]
24.Broadcast Name:*(1)HCJB World Radio-International Headquarters[english]
Address:P.O.Box 39800 Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9800 USA
◆Broadcast Name: (2)HCJB World Radio-Australia[english]
Address:GPO Box 691 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia[澳大利亚]
Email:[email protected]
◆Broadcast Name: (3)HCJB World Radio-The Voice of Andes
Address:English service, Casilla 17-17-691, Quito, Ecuador[厄瓜多尔]
Email:[email protected]
◆25.Broadcast Name:*Chinese Programme, Vatican Radio
Address:Piazza Pia, 3 00120 Roma, Italy[意大利]
Email:[email protected][华语节目组];[email protected][QSL]
◆26.Broadcast Name:*Radio Santec--The Cosmic Wave
The World--The Universal Spirit[english]
Address:(1)P.O.Box 5643,97006 W<rzburg , Germany[德国] (2)P.O.Box 3549 Woodbridge, CT 06525, USA Website:www.radio-santec.com Email:[email protected] 27.Broadcast Name:*NRK[挪威电台国际台][english] Address:8607 Mo i Rana[挪威] Website:www.nrk.no Email:[email protected] ◆28.Broadcast Name:*KWHR-World Harvest Radio[english] Address:(1)P.O.Box 12 South Bend, Indiana 46624, USA (2)C/O METV P.O.Box 27266 Limasol. Cyprus[塞浦路斯] Website:www.whr.org Email:[email protected] ◆29.Broadcast Name:*RVi-Radio Vlaanderen International[english] Address:Vlaamse Radio-en Televisieomroep /Auguste Reyerslaan 52-B1043. Brussel[比利时] Website:www.rvi.be Email:[email protected] ◆30.Broadcast Name:*Radio Prague . English Service[english] Address:Vinohradsk? 12, 12099 Prague 2.CZECH REPUBLIC[捷克] Website:www.radio.cz Email:[email protected]; [email protected] ◆31.Broadcast Name:*Voice of the Mediterranean[english] ※ Address:P.O.Box 143, Valletta CMR 01, Malta[马耳他] Website:www.vomradio.com Email:[email protected] ◆32.Broadcast Name:*High Adventure Ministries - KHBN 福音电台 Website:fuyindiantai.org[中文网页]; www.highadventure.org Email:[email protected][张成]; [email protected];[email protected][Kathy Wanless-QSL] Fax: 00852-3017-6645[Hong Kong]; 00680-488-2163[Palau] ◆33.Broadcast Name:*Radio Sweden[SR International] Website:www.sr.se Email:[email protected]; [email protected] ◆34.Broadcast Name:*Radio Bulgaria[English] Address:4 Dragan Tsankov Blvd, 1040 Sofia, Bulgaria[保加利亚] Website:www.bnr.bg; www.nationalradio.bg Email:[email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected][Ms. Desislava Ivanova] 35.Broadcast Name:*Radio New Zealand International[English] Address:P.O.Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand[新西兰] Website:www.rnzi.com Email:[email protected] ◆36.Broadcast Name:*Radio Habana, Cuba[English] Address:Infanta No 105, esq.25, 610 piso.AP. 6240, La Habana, Cuba[古巴] Email:[email protected] Fax:0053 7 870 5810 ◆37.Broadcast Name:*Bible Voice Broadcasting HIGH ADVENTURE GOSPEL Address:P.O.Box 425, Station E Toronto, Ontario M6H 4E3 Canada. Website:www.biblevoice.org Email:[email protected][QSL Ms. Marty McLauglin] ◆38.Broadcast Name:*Swiss Radio International[English] ※ ☆ Address:Giacomettistrasse 1 CH-3000 Berne 15 Switzerland[瑞士] Website:www.swissinfo.org Email:[email protected]; [email protected] ◆39.Broadcast Name:*Radio Budapest, English Service[English] Address:Hungary-1800[匈牙利] Website:www.kaf.radio.hu Email:[email protected] ◆40.Broadcast Name:*Voice International[中文] Address:PO Box 1104 Buderim,Queensland 4556,Australia Website:www.voice. com.au Email:sheng@voice. com.au;tan@voice. com.au[小关];[email protected][QSL] 41.Broadcast Name:*FEBA Address:Lvy Arch Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 8BX, UK[英国] Website:www.feba.org.uk ◆ Broadcast Name:*FEBC_Chinese Programmes Address:P.O.Box 96789, Tsimshatshui, Kowloon, Hong Kong[香港] Website:www.febcchinese.org Email:[email protected];[email protected][Chinese broadcasts] Broadcast Name:*良友、益友电台 Website:www.liangyou.net Email: [email protected];[email protected] Fax:◆HLKX 1188khz 0082-2-333-2627 ◆HLAZ 1566khz 0082-2-320-0129 ◆ Broadcast Name:*FEBC-Philippines Address:P.O.Box 1,0560 Valenzuela City, Philippines[菲律宾] Website:www.febc.ph Email: [email protected] [Mr.Sandy] ;[email protected][Ms.Jan Bayliss] Fax:0063-(632)291-4982 ◆Broadcast Name:KFBS, Saipan 良友飞跃台 Address:FEBC Radio International- Radio Station KFBS BO Box 500209,Saipan, MP 96950,USA Email:[email protected][QSL Ms. Irene Gabbie] ◆42.Broadcast Name:*Overcomer Ministry--BrotherStair[Englsh] Address:P.O.Box 691 Walterboro,S.C.29488.USA Website:www.overcomerministry.com Email:[email protected];[email protected] ◆43.Broadcast Name:*AWR Listener Services Address:(1) 39 Brendon Street, London W1H 5HD England[英国] AWR Monitoring / P.O.Box 100252 64202 Darmstadt Germany (2) Adventist World Radio - Asia/Pacific Region Director: Akinori Kaibe,798 Thompson Road ,Singapore, 298186 Website:www.awr.org;Fax:00 65-6355-2719[亚太地区-新加坡] Email:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] [亚太地区-新加坡] ◆44.Broadcast Name:*FBN (Fundamental Broadcasting Network) -WTJC Address:520 Roberts Road Newport, NC 28570 USA Website:www.fbnradio.com Email:[email protected] ◆45.Broadcast Name:*KNLS (生命之光) Address:International Radio Station KNSL, Anchor Point, Alaska-99556, USA Website:www.knls.org Email:[email protected] 46.Broadcast Name:*EESTI RAADIO (ESTONINA RADIO) Address:Gonsiori 21 15020 , Tallinn, Estonia [爱沙尼亚] Website:www..er.ee Email:[email protected] 47.Broadcast Name:*Channel Africa[English] Address:P.O.Box 91313, Auckland Park, 2006, South Africa[南非] Website:www.channelafrica.org 48.Broadcast Name:*Radio Ethiopia, The external service[English] Address:P.O.Box 654 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia[埃塞俄比亚] ◆49.Broadcast Name:*KOL Isreal External Service[English] Address:P.O.Box. 1082 Jerusalem, 91 010 Isreal[以色列] ◆50.Broadcast Name:*华艺广播公司 Address:350001 福州市251信箱 ◆51.Broadcast Name:*Radio Ezra Website:www.radioezra.com Email:[email protected] ◆52.Broadcast Name:*Radio Tashkent Address:49 Khorezm Street, Tashkent, 700047 Uzbekistan[乌兹别克斯坦] Website:ino.uzpak.uz Email:[email protected]; [email protected] ◆53.Broadcast Name:*Radio Austria Inernational[ORF-ROI]] Austrian Broadcasting Corporation Address:A-1136 Wien, wurzburggasse 30, Austria[奥地利] Website:roi.orf.at Email:[email protected];[email protected] ◆54.Broadcast Name:* ERT5 -The Voice of Greece Address: 432, Messoghion Av.15342 Aghia Paraskevi ATHENS-GREECE[希腊] Website:www.ert.gr/radio/era5/englsh/ Email:[email protected]; [email protected][reception report] ◆55.Broadcast Name:*RDP International(Radio Portugal) Address:Av. Marechal Gomes da Costa, 37 1800-255 Lisboa, Portugal[葡萄牙] Website:www.rdp.pt/internacional Emai:[email protected][QSL];[email protected] 56.Broadcast Name:*Radio Moldova International[English] ☆ Address:str. Miorita 1, Chisinau, MD-2028, Moldova[摩尔多瓦] Website:www.trm.md/radio Emai:[email protected]; [email protected] ◆57.Broadcast Name:*IBRA Radio Address:SE-141 99 Stockholm Sweden Website:www.ibra.se www.echinaradio.com[中文网] Emai:[email protected][真光电台]; [email protected];[email protected][QSL] ◆58.Broadcast Name:*Radio Mediterranee Internationale [Medi 1] Address:3-5, rue Emsallah-B.PP. 2055-Tanger-MAROC[摩洛哥] Website:www.medi1.com Email:[email protected] ◆59.Broadcast Name:*Radio For Peace International Address:PO Box 75, Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica[哥斯达黎加] Website:www.rfpi.org Email:[email protected] ; Fax: +506-249-1095 ◆60.Broadcast Name:*KTBN- Trinity Broadcasting Network Address:P.O.Box A Santa Ana, CA 92711, U.S.A Website:www.tbn.org Email:[email protected] ◆61.Broadcast Name:*RTE-Radio Telefis Eireann (Ireland"s national radio and television service) Address:Donnybrook, Dublin 4, Ireland[爱尔兰] ◆62.Broadcast Name:*Waymarks International Radio Ministry Address:P.O.Box 2324 Macon Georgia 31203 U.S.A Website:www.waymarks.org Email:[email protected] ◆63.Broadcast Name:*Radio Polonia Address:al. Niepodleglosci 77/85, 00-977 Warsaw, Poland[波兰] Website:www.radio.com.pl Email:[email protected];[email protected] ◆64.Broadcast Name:*RTSH - Radio Tirana International Address:Tirana, Albania[阿尔巴尼亚] Email:[email protected] Fax: 00355 4 223650 65.Broadcast Name:*UN Radio Address:Room S-805G, United Nations, New York, NY10017, USA Website:www.un.org/chinese/radio Email:[email protected][可发中文] ◆66.Broadcast Name:*Radio Veritas Asia 亚洲真理电台 Address:台湾台北县新店市中兴路3段3楼之3 台湾台北县新店邮政信箱4-118 P.O.Box 2642, Quezon city, 1166 Philippines [菲律宾] Website:www.tianzhu.org Email:[email protected]; [email protected][刘丽君 修女]; [email protected][QSL] Fax:00886-2-2915-5540[台湾]; 0063-2-938-1940[菲律宾] ◆67.Broadcast Name:*中国科学院国家授时中心(NTSC)BPM短波授时台 Address:710600 西安市临潼区书院东路3号 Website:www.ntsc.ac.cn Email:[email protected][刘长虹] ◆68.Broadcast Name:*SWR-SUDWESTRUNDFUNK Address:Technische Information,70150 Stuttgart, Germany Website:www.swr.de ◆69.Broadcast Name:*Radio Denmark ※ Address:Radioavisen Rosenorns Alle 22, DK-1999 Frederiksberg C, Denmark [丹麦] Website:www.dr.dk/rdk Email:[email protected];[email protected] ◆70.Broadcast Name:*Radio CTM Address:P.O.Box 48 Nishi Yodogawa,OSAKA 555 Japan ◆71.Broadcast Name:*Radio Africa International Email:[email protected] ◆72.Broadcast Name:*Rai Way S.P.A Quality & Customer Satisfaction Address:Viale Mirabellino, 1 20052 MONZA(Mi) - Italy[意大利] Website:www.raiway.rai.it ◆73.Broadcast Name:*Radio Reading Service Address:P.O.Box 360 Levin 5500, New Zealand[新西兰] Website:www.radioreading.org Email:[email protected];[email protected] Fax:0064-6-368-7290 ◆74.Broadcast Name:*日经放送 BSC-NIKKEI Radio Broadcasting Corporation Address:107-8373 日本国 东京都 港区 赤坂 1-9-15 9-15 Akasaka 1-chome,Minato-ku, TOKYO,107-8373 Japan Website:www.bs-com.com www.tampa.co.jp Email: [email protected] Fax: 0081-3-3583-8620 ◆75.Broadcast Name:*Radio Maryja ※ Address:ul. Zwirki i Wigury 80, 87-100 Torun / Poland [波兰] Website:www.radiomaryja.pl Email:[email protected] Fax:0048-56-610-8151 ◆76.Broadcast Name:*Radio Slovakia International ※ Address:Mytna 1, P.O.Box 55, 817 55 Bratislava 15, Slovak Republic[斯洛伐克] Website:www.rsi.sk Email:[email protected] ◆77.Broadcast Name:*Voice of Korea - 朝鲜之声 中文部 Address:朝鲜 平壤 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国广播电视委员会 ◆78.Broadcast Name:*Radio Minsk Address:4 Krasnaya St, 220807, Minsk,BELARUS[白俄罗斯] Website:www.tvr.by/eng/ Email:[email protected] ◆79.Broadcast Name:*Radio Roma -RAI International Address:c/o Casella Postale 320,Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri,00100 Roma Italia [意大利] Website:www.international.rai.it ◆80.Broadcast Name:*Voice of Tibet Radio Website:www.vot.org Email:[email protected];[email protected][Oystein Alme] ◆81.Broadcast Name:*NHK 熊本放送局 Address:日本 熊本市 千葉城町2-7 ◆82.Broadcast Name:*WSHB ※ Address:P. O. Box 1524 Boston, MA 02117-1524 U.S.A ◆83.Broadcast Name:*西藏人民广播电台 Address:850000 西藏自治区 拉萨市 北京中路180号 Website:www.tibetradio.cn Email:[email protected] ◆84.Broadcast Name:*WMLK-Assemblies of Yahweh Address:Bethel, PA. 19507, USA ◆85.Broadcast Name:*RTBF International Address:B-1044 Bruxelles-Belgique[比利时] Website:www.rtbf.be Email:[email protected] Fax:0032 2 737 30 32 ◆86.Broadcast Name:*新疆人民广播电台 台长 史林杰 Address:830044 乌鲁木齐市 团结路84号 Website:www.xjbs.com.cn ◆87.Broadcast Name:*Radio Nepa l- Radio Broadcasting Service Address: P.O.Box 634, Kathmandu / NEPAL[尼泊尔] ◆88.Broadcast Name:*All India Radio Address:A. V. Bhavan, Sansad Marg,New Delhi---110001, INDIA[印度] Website:http://air.kode.net Email:[email protected][QSL -manager] ◆89.Broadcast Name:*Radio Voz Cristiana & Christian Voice - The Voice Africa Address:Po Box 3040 West Bromwich,B70 OEJ,England Email:[email protected] ◆90.Broadcast Name:*山东人民广播电台第六频道 Address:250062 济南市经十路81号 Website:http://www.51ting.com ◆91.Broadcast Name:*CBC Radio Address:CBC Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Website:www.cbc.ca ◆92.Broadcast Name:*Radio Aparecida Address:Aparecida - Sao Paulo - Brasil[巴西] Website:www.radioaparecida.com.br ◆93.Broadcast Name:*Radio Cairo External Service Address:P.O.Box 566. Cairo 11511, Egypt[埃及] Email:[email protected][Amal Badr] ◆94.Broadcast Name:*Radio Ndeke Luka - Fondation Hirondelle Address:3 Rue Traversiere 1018 Lausanne - Suisse[瑞士] Website:www.hirondelle.org Email:[email protected] ◆95.Broadcast Name:*World Wide Religious Broadcasting - Radio Station WWRB Address:Box 7 Manchester, TN 37349-0007, USA Website:www.wwrb.org 96.Broadcast Name:*Bible Broadcasting Network ☆ Address:11530 Carmel Commons Blvd,Charlotte, NC 28226 USA Website:www.bbnradio.org 97.Broadcast Name:*RADIO EXTERIOR DE ESPANA Address:Apartado de Correos, 156.202,28080 MADRID, ESPANA[西班牙] Website:www.ree.rne.es Email:[email protected] Fax:0034 91 346 18 15 ◆98.Broadcast Name:*Evangeliums-Radio-Hamburg -Europaprogramm- Address:Postfach / P.O.Box 920741 D - 21137 Hamburg Germany Website:www.EVR-Hamburg.de Email:[email protected] Fax:0049 40 85408861 99.Broadcast Name:*Radio Ukraine International Address:26. Khreshchatik Str. 01001 Kyiv, Ukraine[乌克兰] Website:www.nrcu.gov.ua Email:[email protected] Fax:00380 44 228 7356 ◆100.Broadcast Name:*RTM- Voice of Malaysia [Unit Mandarin Suara Malaysia] Address:P. O. Box 11272,50740 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia[马来西亚] Website:www.rtm.net.my Email:[email protected];[email protected](秋妤 维婷) Fax:0060-3-2284 7594 Tel:0060-3-22887828~9[周一有华人接电话] ◆101.Broadcast Name:*RAE- RADIODIFUSION ARGENTINA AL EXTERIOR Address:CASILLA DE CORREO 555-1000 - BUENOS AIRES - REPUBLICA,ARGENTINA[阿根廷] Website:www.radionacional.gov.ar/rae.asp Email:[email protected] Fax:0054-325-9433; 3255742[发射台] ◆102.Broadcast Name:*Philippine Broadcasting Service - Radyo Pilipinas Overseas Address: 4th Floor P.I.A Building,Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon city, Philippines[菲律宾] ◆103.Broadcast Name:*SW Radio Africa -Zimbabwe"s Independent Voice Address:SW Radio Africa Ltd. /PO Box 243, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 WA, United Kingdom Website: www.swradioafrica.com Email: [email protected] Fax: 0044-20-8387-1416 ◆104.Broadcast Name:*台湾国立教育广播电台——教育之声 Address:台湾省106台北市中正区南海路14号 Website:http://liverec.ner.gov.tw/auto/find.asp www.ner.gov.tw Fax: 00886-2-2375-2388 ◆105.Broadcast Name:*香港电台 RTHK- Radio Television Hong Kong Address: Broadcasting House 30 Broadcast Drive, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龙广播道三十号广播大厦 Post Box: P.O.Box 70200 Kowloon Central Post Office 九龙中央邮政信箱70200号 Fax: 00852 2338 0279 ◆106.Broadcast Name:*Intrnews Afghanistan - Salaam Watandar Address: Baharistan, Karti-Parwan,next to Haji Mir Ahmad Mosque,Kabul,Afghanistan [阿富汗] Website: www.internews.org Email: [email protected][QSL] ◆107.Broadcast Name:*CNR-中央人民广播电台 Address: 100866 北京市 复兴门外大街2号 Email: [email protected][听众工作部] ◆108.Broadcast Name:*e-Classical 爱乐电台-台北爱乐广播有限公司 Address: 台湾省 台北市 信义区 东兴街 111-1号7楼 Website: www.PRTmusic .com.tw www.e-classical.com.tw Fax: 00886-2-8762-3397 ◆109.Broadcast Name:* 希望之声 Sound of Hope Radio Network, Inc. Address: 2520 Wyandotte St. Suite A, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA Website: www.soundofhope.org Email: [email protected] Telephone:10800-713-0647(Toll-Free) Fax: 001-415-276-5861 ◆110.Broadcast Name:*CESKE RADIOKOMUNIKACE a.s Address: OBLAST JIZNI MORAVA RKS AM1-Topolna 687 11 TOPOLNA CZECH REPUBLIC ◆111.Broadcast Name:*内蒙古人民广播电台/总编室 通联组 Address:010058 呼和浩特市新华大街55号 Tel:6631888[总机] ◆112.Broadcast Name:*复兴广播电台 赵显义[总台长] Address:台北市士林区中山路五段280巷5号 Website:www.fhbs.com.tw Email: [email protected] Fax:10800-8860049[免费] ◆113.Broadcast Name:*Radio Traumland Address: Postfach 15 , B - 4730 Raeren, Belgien [比利时] Email: [email protected] 114.Broadcast Name:*浙江湖州人民广播电台 Zip code:313000 Tel:0572-2062850[办公室];2091519[方辉] ◆115.Broadcast Name:*Radio Trans Mundial Address:Caixa Postal 18.300, Sao Paulo-SP 04626-970 Brasil[巴西] Website: www.transmundial.com.br Email: [email protected][QSL]; [email protected] Fax:0055-11-5031-3533 ◆116.Broadcast Name:*Voice of Armenia, Public Radio Armenia Address:5. ALEX MANOOGIAN st.375025 YEREVAN ARMENIA Website: www.armradio.am Email: [email protected] Fax:374-1-554-600 ◆117.Broadcast Name:*IBB-Philippines transmission station Address:American Embassy / P.O.Box 151,Manila,Philippines Barangay Tinang, Concepcion, Tarlac, Philippines Email: [email protected][台长Mr. Dennis G. Brewer]]; [email protected][QSL签发官Mr. Chris Tellachira] Fax:0063-45-9821402 ◆118.Broadcast Name:*Missionwerk Werner Heukelbach Address: D-51700 Bergneustadt, Deutschland Website: www.missionswerk-heukelbach.de Email: [email protected] Fax:0049-2261-94537 ◆119.Broadcast Name:*Freie Volksmission Address:Poistfach 100707, D-47707 Krefeld, Germany Website: www.freie-volksmission.de Email: [email protected],peter.vitsekfreie-volksmission.de Fax:0049-2151-951293 ◆120.Broadcast Name:Leading The Way Address:P.O.Box 20100 Atlanta, Georgia 30325, USA Website:www.leadingtheway.org Email:[email protected] ◆121.Broadcast Name:Broadcast Planning Sentech Ltd Address:P.O.Box X06 Honeydew 2040 South Africa[南非] Website:www.sentech.co.za Email:[email protected] Fax:0027-11-471-4754 ◆122.Broadcast Name:Stoer-Sender Address:R&R Medienservice, Seestrasse 17, D-19089 Gohren, Germany Website:www.rrms.de Email:[email protected] Notice: “◆”表示已经收到过他们的QSL卡(信); “※”表示已停止短波广播; “☆”表示仅有网络广播.